City Wide Projects

City-wide improvement projects preserve or enhance existing city infatuation and lay the groundwork for a safe, healthy and vibrant community.  

City Administration and the companies working to improve our town will always make every attempt to avoid disruptions to residents. 

Below is a list of current projects and what affect they have on nearby residents.  

Vermilion Road Phase 4 Reconstruction

UPDATE: (6/22/23) Utilities work delayed the start of the road reconstruction project. Work will now begin July 5, 2023 and continue for 60 days.


This project is slated to begin June 12th.  This will close Vermilion Road from North Ridge Road north about 1/2 mile.  The closure will be for 60 days from that start date.

Residents in the area of the closure will have access to their driveways and will continue to have garbage pick-up as normal.


Minnie WaWa Street Sanitary Sewer and watermain Replacement Project

8/11/2023 UPDATE

Work will resume on 8/21/2023 per contractor.  


Contractors are currently replacing the sanitary main and laterals within the city right-of-way.  That portion of the project will be completed by July 31, 2023.  Water main and storm sewer improvements will follow with completion scheduled for September 29, 2023.

To keep resident disturbances to a minimum during construction your garbage services will not be affected, and you will have access to your property.  However, your mailboxes will be removed, and a temporary mailbox area will be set up on Wahwahtasee or Hiawatha Drive.

The project inspector is Jim Elkin.  Jim will be onsite at all times and available for any questions or concerns you may have.  


Pedestrian Improvements

This project involves installation of enhanced pedestrian crossings by installing curb bump-outs, High-Visibility crosswalks, signage, and Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacons at 6 intersections along U.S. 6 (Liberty Ave.) from Decatur St. to Exchange St. in the City of Vermilion. The work to be performed includes pavement and curb removal, new curb ramps and sidewalk, drainage, signing, pavement marking and RRFBs.