Tree Commission

Board Members

Costello, Tim
Friedt, Gary
Scholtz, Brad
Naugle, Anne
Western, Jerry

Ohio Chapter ISA


Tree City USA

The tree commission was created under the auspices of Tree City USA, with direction and help from the Ohio Division of Forestry/ Urban Forestry.  Tree City USA, within the Arbor Day Foundation, provides direction, assistance, and national recognition to communities to manage and enhance their municipal forests. 

Vermilion has been Tree City USA for 11 years and received Growth Awards 4 times during those 11 years.


What is Tree City USA


To become a Tree City USA community, four standards must be met:

  • A tree board, department, or commission to be accountable for the management of city municipal trees. Smaller cities, like Vermilion, usually establish a commission of nonpaid volunteers.
  • A basic tree care ordinance, passed by city council, establishing a tree commission establishing a tree board or commission giving them responsibility for public tree care and providing for guidance for planting, maintaining, and removing trees from public spaces. (This was done on January 23, 2012)
  • A community forestry program with an annual budget of at least $2 per capita. This standard is met, not only from budgetary monies from city, as well as grants, etc., but also work done with public trees within the city service department and parks department.
  • An annual Arbor Day observance and proclamation.


ODNR Celebrates Tree City USA


Arbor Day

Celebrating Arbor Day with a Proclamation from Mayor Forthofer and tree planting at Sailorway Middle School.




Chapter 289